Remember when you was a kid and you had a dream. What was that dream?
I wanted to be a Car Salesman. That was as good as a dream that a boy living on a council estate in the 1980's could wish for! Fortunately, hat dream was never realised (tough game).
But what's YOUR dream? Because when you were a kid, you wanted to be a train driver, or a ballerina and then somewhere along the way, you end up in a council office in a job that you don't really want to be in for 8 years. Scratching your head wondering how you ended up there.
Well, you ended up there because of decisions that you made. Fundamentally, your success or failure or where you end up in your life is down to YOU and your decisions.
Now. What ends up happening is we end up , as I did, blaming our past. Whether it's being locked in the coal shed by your dad when you were 7, whether it's being brought up on a council estate, whether it's your dad being a drug addict. Whether it's brexit, whether it's Teresa May. Whether it's the Tories.
Where you are, in your life, is a direct result of your decisions. If you want to change the outcome, you need to change the decisions.
And when it comes to making decisions, NO-ONE knows the outcome. Until after the event. So what I would say to you is this.
Start dreaming again. Start dreaming again because every single decision you've ever made in your life has brought you to this video today.
I am talking to you.
And what I need you to do, is do a dream that is sensible. Not a dream so big and lofty that it becomes a nightmare. Because in today's social media world, that's what happens.
You end up seeing 26 year old kids getting out of Lamborghinis and you think that's normal. And it's not normal! In fact what you're seeing is probably a rental.
However, it's down to you, again to start dreaming. Start working out what that dream is.
My dream?
My dream was to take my kids to Disney World. I was delivering pizzas at 31 year old and I promised baby Ben that I would take him to Disney World. 25 grand in debt. £5.80 cash in hand I was doing (All taxes were paid ;))
But you see? Everyone thought I was crackers. But I kept going, kept driving my business.
And BOOM. I've kept it going for the last ten years. and THAT'S because I had a dream!
But it wasn't just a dream. It was a focus. Because in order for you to find your dream and make it reality you need ideas, vision and belief.
It's about belief, it's about belief.
If you don't 100% fundamentally believe in that dream,
100% , then you aint gonna make it happen.
So, that was my dream. You can make your dreams happen as well, but do yourself a favour. Make sure you don't make your dreams so big that it becomes a nightmare.
What are the steps you need to take today in order to make your dreams , more than a dream, to make them a reality?
Only you know the answer to that.
Get mentored by me. There are a number of ways you can do this, to suit your schedule, your bank account, your desired results.
Email Pippa for info or choose your time here