You cannot give 110% forever. It's exhausting.
You WILL eventually crash. Relationships, business, physical or the worst of the lost, you torpedo your mental health.
Think of it like you're driving a sports car, red-lining on the gears...LOVE IT!
It all sounds wonderfully EXCITING AND ENTREPRENEURIAL until a problem comes into your world.
You really can't operate nor should you consistently at that pace, it's non sustainable.
Back to your new car, now doing 100 miles an hour, gripping the steering wheel, focused on the road ahead...
Then SUDDENLY a cat runs out in front of you.
Now What?
Automatically instinct takes over and you try to avoid the cat/problem.
In your life/business right now, if something came from left field, are you in a position to deal with it?
Even the smallest thing when functioning at speed can derail you or force you to change direction and intent.
Check your revs. Check your gear. Slllloooowwww d-o-w-n. Trust me as a nutter who loved the excitement of that entrepreneurial rush. I get it. I also now know from experience there is a better, more sustainable way.
Once you stop fighting it and realise that it's just got to work itself out, it becomes less difficult.
Your success or failure will be based on your ability to use your greatest asset. TIME. Effectively, and to your advantage. Yup.
Get mentored by me. There are a number of ways you can do this, to suit your schedule, your bank account, your desired results.
Email Pippa for info or choose your time here