🎯 STOP trying to appeal to everyone. You’ll tie yourself up in knots.
🎯Don’t make life way more complicated than it actually is.
🎯Being a better version of yourself will take some work.
🎯Sausage fingers + iPhone + autocorrect = LOL.
🎯When the goal seems too big, break it down into manageable steps.
🎯You can do or say what you want, just make sure you can back it up.
🎯Being left feeling frustrated, irritated, or resentful eats away at your mental and physical health. Do something about it. Today.
🎯Doing the right thing doesn’t always make you feel good.
🎯If you don’t know where you are heading, slow down.
🎯When you feel shit. Don’t fight it. Feel shit.
🎯Be kind to yourself. You are a human being.
🎯Don't you even try to negatively predict or run down the future. Because you have no fucking idea.
🎯You can. You will get through this.
🎯We are all making it up as we go along. Even me.
🎯No one is going to support you, unless you support yourself first.
🎯Turn up the volume on your positive self-talk.
🎯Stop telling yourself you can’t win.
🎯It ain't "saving money" if it's costing you life, or peace of mind
🎯Being “Professional” means nothing if you ain’t getting paid.
🎯Marketing: the things you do, to make things easier to sell.
🎯You have to have an almost misguided self belief that you’re the man, before you can be the man.
🎯 Range Rovers at Aldi. Things change.
🎯 To build a big reputation, you have to start with a small one.
🎯 The best year of your life? What specifically happened that makes you think back so fondly?
🎯 Clever advertising doesn’t always mean lots of sales.
🎯 Without sales, a business fails.
🎯 Personal relationships and favours will only take you so far.
🎯 Life is too short to put up with knob heads
🎯 When the finest things in life become normal, you just lost the magic.
🎯 If you are not prepared to invest in your brand, don't get upset when others don't want to invest in your brand either.
🎯 Luck is not a strategy that you can rely on.
🎯 Everything intensifies as the clock ticks down. Give yourself deadlines.
🎯 Haters, their dream is to ruin yours.
🎯 You could be Tupac back from the grave and get booed by a Metallica audience.
🎯 Any little fuck up is magnified when you are under pressure, so get yourself some distance from things when it is beginning to feel like this.
🎯 Don't read the "you have to stay in shitty relationships" memo.
🎯 Too much money makes people lazy and stupid.
🎯 You can easily live on less money than you think.
🎯 Cheap iPhone leads are the world’s most expensive string.
🎯 Is your goal really YOUR goal?
Have a great day.
By making your day, a GREAT one. 💕
Get mentored by me. There are a number of ways you can do this, to suit your schedule, your bank account, your desired results.
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