What’s the point?
You start.
That’s the point.
There is NO downside to optimism.
Don’t let your ego make the big decisions in your life.
Your ego will destroy your life just to be right.
Think of it like a petulant child…
I want this…
I want that…
Don’t let them speak to you like that…
Who’s in control of your life, you or it?
Another thing, what you’re addicted too, keeps you stuck.
In todays modern world we silence any positive internal voice with constant music, podcast, video streaming.
Air pods in 24/7, ironically to block out the noise / worries of our world.
Not healthy.
You may be kidding yourself because you listening to business podcasts/ TED talks that it’s a positive.
And you doing just that, kidding yourself, as you are no longer listening to the person who really matters, and has your best interests at heart.
And that massively accessible database of knowledge that you always been walking around with, your brain is being squelched out and muted as you fill up your biological hard drive with even more information that you don’t really use, nor get around to processing.
As we fill every moment of our lives up with distractions, like this is a good thing.
Whatever happened to existing in silence and listening to & processing our own thoughts. Modern society just doesn’t do this.
About a year ago, I made the change, I no longer constantly listen to LBC or the today show, I drive in total silence.
I’ve unplugged completely from seeking the news.
I’d rather be uninformed and happy, than informed and miserable.
Question, is the world any less miserable because I plugged out?
What about me, do you reckon I’m more or less miserable as a result of this decision?
The rate of change in all our worlds is accelerating, too much data causes computers to crash, same goes for human computers.
Making sense of it all has become nearly impossible.
Take it from me, the thing you need to find your success isn’t more data, more information….
Its less.
You have all the inspiration, answers and drive already in your head, you may just need a little help to load your program’s.
Program yourself for success.
Sustainable success.