Life is made up of small moments, but it's easy to overlook them in our pursuit of the "big" things.
We all get caught up in our careers, our BIG goals, our BIG plans for the future, and we can forget to stop and appreciate the 100’s of little things each day that make life worth living.
But the truth is, it's the small moments which give our lives richness and meaning.
Those everyday moments of connection, the smile at the postie, the feeling of accomplishment after a hard day's work, the joy of discovering something new, or the simple pleasures of a those first couple of coffees in the morning.
So why do we tend to overlook these small moments?
One reason is that they can seem relatively boring or insignificant compared to the excitement of chasing big goals, that is fed to us all in every corner of our digital life.
But the truth is, if you stop for a moment… it's precisely these small moments that give us the strength and motivation to keep going when the going gets tough.
I said to my youngest boy, “Hey Brandon, fancy going to Pro-Wrestling this week, Eddie “The Lion Ryan” is fighting BIG Grizzly from Newport…”
“Why not mate?? We ALWAYS go!”
“Maybe I’m not 8 anymore Dad”
That’s a wake up call right there.
And one day, that person, thing, health you currently taking for granted just won’t be there.
That’s the harsh reality of our harsh reality.
So let's not fast forward through life, looking for the next big thing.
The success, happy, content is always around the next corner.
Until it’s not.
It’s right there, in front of you, you just been too busy, being busy to stop and see it.
So, let’s use this post, and the fact that it’s a new week tommorrow, as YOUR WAKE UP call to slow down and when you get up tomorrow, just look at what you currently do have… it’s probably enough… and start appreciating the small “boring” moments that make up the majority our lives.
Get excited about the "boring" things in life and let's embrace all those small things that don’t make it on your instagram reels, or which isn’t pinned to your dream board.
Those people and things you see and do each day, and as such take for granted.
One day… these little things, the ones you been fast forwarding past, to get to the good bit…will be the ones you wish you could rewind and replay.
Your life isn’t a DVD.
You can’t rewind, you can’t fast forward.
All you can do is press play.
On today.
This, today.
Is the future you once wanted.
Get mentored by me. There are a number of ways you can do this, to suit your schedule, your bank account, your desired results.
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