To often in life, we rush the perfect recipe and then complain when it doesn’t taste the way we wanted.
It’s a bit like wanting a boiled egg. Its gonna take at least three minutes to cook, but if you’ve really not got the time, you can have it scrambled, but it won’t be your boiled egg.
Is that what you really wanted?
So your mission to get lucky starts today, with Now What?
But this is only your next step, not the final one. Don’t just focus on your big end-goal. There are thousands of micro decisions you are going to need to make in order to find your lucky. No spoilers. But there are going to be plot twists along your way, there always are.
Your perfect trajectory to success is going to be derailed along the way. But as long as you never lose sight of where you’re going, you’ll get there. Eventually.
But even with all my luck I still have shit to deal with in my life. People who consider to have “made it” still have constant ‘stuff’ to deal with. Its important to know this.
Even the most seemingly perfect lives aren’t perfect. That’s life.
More recently, things have been great, all nice and settled. And the POW, while writing this, some more shit arrived. That’s life.
That’s your life. Its about learning to adapt whilst learning the lesson. Always.
Its taken me 10 years to reach clarity I now have about life/business. Now What?
I’m showing you my way. A way you may not entirely agree with but that’s ok. You know you better than I do.
Take what you need from this. What works for you.
Pretending to have all the answers when you don’t will only keep you going for so long. Again, I know… I’ve tried.
But the first thing to do is to stop telling yourself you can’t win. Start talking yourself into things, not out of them. This is how you’ll grow in confidence – through momentum, decisions, and success.
Get lucky people. Be you AND be happy.
Interested in working with me? Email Pippa or choose your time here