Stuff they’ve never done before.
Because for the first time EVER, they are understanding how costly wasting energy is.
People say to me, how are you so full of energy!
Here’s the secret…
Use those same principles for yourselves.
YOUR energy is vital too.
What you got on “standby” which is draining?
When you wake up and get yourself out of bed you’ll rarely be at 100%.
You not an iPhone battery.
You are human.
Some days you’ll start at 85% or maybe even 50%.
That energy each day is so precious to you.
If you get down to 0 your finito, done. As in become ineffective.
So when you’re arguing with your partner for no net positive gain.
🔻 That’s 10% gone
When you’re sitting on your arse watching negative rolling news
🔻 That’s 7% gone
When you’re moaning about Betty from work.
🔻 That’s 5% gone
Next minute you’re trailing through the day on low energy buffers.
All because you spunked it on stupid sh*t that you can’t impact or move forward.
It’s all good saying “Yeah, yeah energy crisis this, energy crisis that.”
But what about your personal energy?
Value your energy the same.
Is what you using your using your energy on yielding any POSITIVE gain (keep going) 📈 or a NEGATIVE loss (stop immediately) 📉
So when peeps say to me, how do you have so much energy all the time Brad??
I don’t.
I probably have the same as you, the difference is I have a system that I use, which mean i don’t waste it on dumb shit that makes no sense or no difference.
Get mentored by me. There are a number of ways you can do this, to suit your schedule, your bank account, your desired results.
Email Pippa for info or choose your time here