So, It’s that time where we all reflect on the year. I can honestly tell you for me, 2019 has been my favourite year since 2010. Lots went wrong, it did, that’s life, that’s business. But so much went right. Probably the best thing is I feel wonderfully content and happy in my own skin, with the person I am, I’ve achieved more than a working class council kid could ever wish to, and the bonus bit of all this is I continue to make a positive difference along the way. So I going to share with you 100 tips, actually its more than that, but these are my absolute favourite Braddism’s, tips, lessons I’ve learned this year. They helped me chart a successful path through this at times a somewhat challenging year, I hope they help you adapt and overcome in your 2020. What would be aces, is as you read them you cut, collate and paste your fave 10 onto your timeline with a direct link to the whole blog.
1) No pain. Pain. No gain. Signing a Direct Debit form and Joining the gym for 12 months doesn’t get you fit. Going 4 times a week for a year does. 2)Mojos fall away. They return. 3) Dust always settles. 4)Become an influencer. Influence yourself. 5) “Do you actually want advice or just to vent?” 6)Take your time, step back and look at what the fuck is going on. Never be in a hurry to get it wrong. 7) Not everyone can be a star striker. Soz. 8)People don't respect free. 9) We leak the truth. Don’t try be something you really aren’t. It’s tiring and impossible to keep that up 24/7 and be happy. 10) If you could press a button and instantly lose weight would you lose 1st 3st or 5stone? BTW you can't press a button. 11) Hi Brad, I trust this email finds you w... *delete* 12) Everyone feels a fraud, until the day they stop feeling a fraud.
13) Moving is disruptive, but necessary to get to a better place. You have taken the first steps. Now you must carry on. 14)If everybody is speedy boarding. Nobody has speedy boarding. 15) Forget about what everyone else is doing, it’s about YOU do. 16)Being able to adapt is a superpower. 17) It’s only an ambush if you don’t know it’s there. 18)The best marketing strategy. Be great at what you do. 19) The great thing about being self-employed is for the first decade or so you get to choose which 16 hours a day you work. 20)Rules solve fuck all. Leadership solves everything. 21) Forget what your Guru tells you… Passion alone really isn’t enough. 22) Reading a book or shadow boxing won’t teach you what it’s like to get punched in the mouth. 23) The antidote is in the poison. The solution to your problems is often contained within your problems. 24) People are mistaking WhatsApp groups as working.
25) Everyone likes eating cake, no one really likes being fat. If you do want to lose a stone. As in really want to. Honestly, start with an ounce. Don’t dream so big it ends up becoming a nightmare. Note; I lost 3stone this way. 26)Don’t let your success cost you more than it has too. 27) People get so wrapped up in the lives they live online that they fail to grasp the real world because you don’t get 10 likes for taking your kids to the park. Unless you take and post a photo. LOL. 28)Get the layers right. A cake. A house. A business. A life. 29) Declutter. Your life. Head. World. Home. 30)Don't tell me you’re funny. Make me laugh. 31) Masking small problems upon problem upon problems, creates big problems. I’m talking to you. Yes you. 32)You’ll never be the Market Leader copying the Market Leader. 33) Your dream. Make it a reality and attainable by being realistic about your ambition and level of ability. 34) If someone wants to lay blame at your door they will regardless of the facts. 35) When your Integrity goes out the window. So does the amount of opportunities. It’s a double loss. 36) Would an idiot do that? If the answer is yes, don’t do it.
37) Does it move the needle of your life? Business? If the answer is no. Explain to yourself.. Why the fuck are you doing it? 38)Celebrate. All that is good in your world. 39) 92% of people don't do what they say they gonna do. Are you part of the 8%? 40)Be the person your pet thinks you are. 41) Don’t ask someone to do a stunt you can’t do yourself. Do your own stunts. 42)Don't waste your life and energy punching cobwebs 43) Baffling decisions look less baffling when you have the full story. 44)Do something nice. Nice for you, nice for them. 45) If you slag someone off online, don't be surprised when they see you offline and they are not a friend. 46) Metaphor: Swimming the channel. Keep going. Never halfway. 47) How am I gonna get the best out of this guy? This guy. Is you.
48)Some people are never happier than when they’ve just missed a bus. Self sabotage really is a thing. 49) You can’t out perform your self image. 50)If you going to invest years into a degree; how will it help you when your microwaving garlic bread and cheese in a gastro pub kitchen for £6 an hour? 51) When you pass the tap. Drink some water. It’s your foundation for a healthy mindset and lifestyle. 52)Spend less than you make. 53) Be a driver in your own life. Not a passenger. Where are you going ? 54)Eating a salad once doesn’t make you healthy. Going to the gym once doesn’t make you fit. Being a snake once, makes you a snake. 55) Choose Abs or Pizza. 56)If you choose to spend your life, time and money on negative things. You will ultimately end up living negative life. 57) People under stress, don’t make great decisions. 58) When a decision is causing the maker of it to be unhappy. They are making the wrong decisions. 59) We are all so obsessed with what we spend money on... be more obsessed with what you spend your time on.
60)People will shit
on your success to justify their own failings. Huffing and puffing, still building nothing. Don’t be
this person. 61)
Everyone loves a
pub fight, unless of course you’re the one in the pub fight.
62)Reputations take
time. Reputation is your biggest marketing tool. 63) I can see from your social media, you’ve read Rich Dad,
Poor Dad & The Secret. Well done! PS: How come you’re still skint and
unhappy? Finding yourself, your success needs more than reading a book. That’s
64)If you can remove a stage and still get the same output,
remove a stage. 65)
Worry about automation and processes when you’ve stopped
worrying about sales.
66)Does it move the needle? If not, why the fuck are you
spending time on it? 67)
Avoid Cosplaying a
role. Acting out what you think your life should be.
WITHIN. 69) Once you stretched your mind you can't go back to
how it was before.
70) Think. How
do I get out of this? What's the best move for me now? 71) You do
know you can BLOCK people on Facebook right? And you’ll never have to read, see
or argue with them again?
72)We all get time
and choices. What you do with them determines where you end up.
Avoid. Squirrels.
Secret. Poison. Golden. Those distractions that take you off your plan.
74)You can’t out whine
a problem. 75)
Home wasn’t built
in a day.
76)To avoid war.
Prepare for it. 77)
Be mindful taking social media advice from someone with
less followers than you.
78)A strategy is just an informed guess, if your strategy ain’t
working, guess again. 79)
Fight like your back is against wall, well before your
back is against the wall. Not everyone can do this.
80)A fish will only
grow as big as a fish tank, your business will only grow as big as your vision. 81) If you got too much on your plate, eat faster or
share with someone who is hungry.
82) It’s probably not your thyroid. It's cake
retention. 83) Facebook
ads are AMAZING, as long as you can afford for them not to work.
84)If you spent the money exhibiting at a tradeshow, probably best you don’t spend the time sat down texting. 85) It’s a piece of piss making money on spreadsheets. 86)Make IT right. That thing, no, the other thing, sort it out. 87) Watch out folks we got a Facebook bad ass here. Press BLOCK. And get on with your life. 88) Just watch this “Short video” are never short videos. 89) Positive energy beats negative energy. Every time 90)You can’t go left and right at the same time. That’s why you stuck. 91) Fix it or Fuck it off. 92)Pebbles in shoes, don’t magic their way out. At some point you going to have to stop to take them out. Do it now. 93) Self-Leadership, you are the boss, work like your boss is watching. 94) If you are sat there with a calculator and squared paper spending time trying to work out your ROI on business networking isn't working, you are probably doing it wrong. 95) Cheap £3 iPhone leads are expensive pieces of string.
96)All problems have a worst before date. 97) Nobody decided “I’m going to fuck up today.” 98)Last time I checked. Death has a 100% success rate. 99) Genuine happy is found in your head, not in a car or a handbag. 100)UNLEASH THE LURPAK WITHIN. Life is too short for own brand spreads. 101) Yes. Book the holiday. Yes. Light the candle. YES. Buy the Lurpak. Taste your future. 102)Be careful about the tables you are invited to sit on in life, some people really don’t have your best interests at heart. 103) Never begin anything without knowing what your end game is. 104)When you want to quit, I want you to tell yourself this is not how this story ends. 105) A computer is only as good as its operating system. Time to update yours. 106) Dreams CAN come true. But it’s down to YOU. 107) When a warning light comes on, don’t ignore it. 108) No one is going to give you a big stage until you deserve it. 109) “There’s not enough hours in the day.” Stop wasting time. 110) You can’t buy a reputation. You can lose one trying to earn it. 111) Trying to copy someone with completely different resource, background and ability is NOT your road to success. 112) Walk your dog. One day it won’t be here. 113) Desperation sells nothing. 114) Licking the spoon tastes better than the cakes you bake. 115) STOP fucking whining. START fucking winning. 116) The first step to solving your problem is recognising you got one. 117) Make a decision in 24s / 24m / 24h if after 24hours you can’t make a decision. You just made one, it’s not important. Next. 118) If your cup is brimming with positivity, why would you pour some out to create the space to put negative in? 119) Some people get offended by swearing. Fuck ‘em. 120) Someone has to be in charge. Be in charge. Of your life. 121) A lack of options can force you to do the very thing you’ve been avoiding doing. 122) No one wants to be a loser. That’s what happens when you don’t work with winners. 123) Decide what you don’t give a fuck about. 124) A title on a business card doesn’t make you a leader. 125) Would you swap a good national reputation for a bad national one? Me neither. 126) There comes a point when if you are making no progress or money with your business, it’s a hobby, and you should consider getting a proper job and doing it at weekends, till you fix this. 127) Never trust a thin Chef. Fat motivational speaker. Skint IFA. Telemarketer that makes initial contact via email. 128) Brexit uncertainty. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Nobody knows. Nobody. It’s all uncharted territory, what I do know with 100% certainty is your success or failure isn’t gonna be defined by Boris or Brexit. So get on with it. 129) I’m serious. Do it or stop fucking talking about doing it. 130) Everyone goes through those times of self doubt. Everyone. Including me. 131) Smile more. 132)I been to 6 funerals in my life. 3 in 2019. We all think death happens to someone else. Whatever you planning on doing with your life. Stop planning and get the fuck on with it. 133) You didn't come this far to only come this far. Keep going.
that’s me done, thank fuck, you know I spent a few hours collating this one on
New Years Eve.
If you got something from this, I’d appreciate
And if
you interested in working with me in 2020 email
Have a
great year peeps. Bradsta xx
Oh, almost forgot. My absolute highlight of 2019?