A guy came up to me at a show where I was speaking and said my style isn’t for everyone… my reply was “thanks for taking time out of your busy day to share that with me”
I said “name once person in the history of humanity who’s style is for everyone and I’ll give you £20 cash now.”
Father Christmas” was his reply.
Ho. Ho. Ho. I can give you billions of people who wouldn’t agree.
My money was safe.
Stop spending your life trying to be for everyone.
You’ll tie yourself in absolute knots.
This is the cornerstone of why I believe so many end up in a bad place as they adapt, adapt, adapt who they really are in order to ‘fit in.’
And in doing so they push the real them out of themselves.
Think about it in life and business, if everyone is doing the same…
You want true success and contentment?
It starts with you.
Just being you.
So simple. So powerful.
Be you.
See, the only people that describe me as a “marmite character” are those that don’t like me, yet and here’s the plot twist have no LOGICAL reason to dislike me…
Well, they actually do have a logical reason, its just one that you’ll never hear from them, as to what it is…
Let me share what I believe it to be.
They are of course unwilling to say “The reason I dislike Brad is because of my own personal failings and I don’t like how someone like him, who has no qualifications, northern monkey, swears a lot, doesn’t dress “professionally” yet is an Author, speaks at the highest levels and has outperformed me and my business degree/MBA.”
*And still maintains his boyish good looks
That’s probably the reasons.
So next time someone says to you “Brad Burton is like marmite.”
Ask them why do they think that?
“I was at a 4N meeting one day in a 1-1 and the guy I was talking to said he didn’t like you.
My reply was “What are you seeing in him that you don’t like about you?”
Rabbit in headlight moment. - Christina Kokis
Then as you listen to them struggle to communicate any logical reasons, have a little internal LOL because you know the real reason and the things they are not saying...
It’s because I’m free from the mental shackles they have placed themselves in.
Try it, being you.
I reckon you’ll like it.
Get mentored by me. There are a number of ways you can do this, to suit your schedule, your bank account, your desired results.
Email Pippa for info.