If I was to show you two rooms, one room is full of negative people, and the other room is full of positive people.
Which room would you go in?
Positive? Of course.
So why do we find ourselves in rooms full of negative people in our life? It is so important that you choose where you spend your time and where you spend your life? Is it with positive people or is it with negative people? We need to understand this concept.
Choose who you spend your time with.
Choose how you spend your time.
Time is so important.
I think if there’s one thing we've realized throughout this entire last year and COVID situation it’s how important time is and not to waste the time we have right now.
Don't wish for some kind of fast forward to the moment when this is all over. This time is so precious right now. I'm going to ask you to make some choices because every single decision that you've ever made in your life has brought you to this today, to reading this blog today.
Imagine a world where you could drop someone out of your life - this doesn't mean you don't love them.
But just drop them out of your life, because they’re being mardy, or they're just not being positive right now with your world, they're not supporting you, who would that person be?
Only you can make that decision... drop someone.
Delete two apps. My favorite app is an app called Reddit, I would go to bed at half 10 and still be there till 12 o'clock, reading Reddit. I’d go on the Mail Online reading about wars and protests that I couldn't impact on.
Right now more than ever before, it is so important and precious that you keep your time safe. So that's why I say to you, right now, if you could delete two apps, what would those apps be? Think about it , then I urge you to delete those apps… and watch what happens. You start getting your time back.
You know when you feel that your days are just burning through? That’s because any spare time that you've got, you're using the apps! I deleted two apps , Reddit and Mail Online and guess what? When I wake up in the morning, the sun still shines!
Please consider that and also make three changes. If you could make three changes to your life, to your business to your career. What would those three changes be? Maybe it's to lay off the mini cheddars... To not drinking two bottles of red wine during the week to take the edge of the day. Maybe decide to go for a walk whatever it is, I don't know. But only you can make that decision.
Whatever is going on in your world, whatever's going on in your life, your business, your career, I want you to deal with it. Deal with it. today. While you’re at your strongest, because the longer you run, the weaker you become.
Think about that .
Pebbles in shoes, don't magic their way out. whatever challenges you've got whatever problems you've got, deal with them today.