Each day we make around 30,000 decisions.
Where you end up in your life, career and business is a direct result of YOUR decisions.
How many are you conscious of?
And that’s where it becomes problematic. Most people I ask say around 100.
So what’s happening to the other 29,900…
Is making those decisions for you.
Who’s programmed that system?
You did. Complete with personal values & instilled biases.
See how massively precarious a position you find yourself in.
Effective decision making requires conscious AND clear thinking.
What problem are you're trying to solve? What outcome would you like?
Work backwards. This helps focus on the most important information & make the decision process quicker, more effective, easier.
Anecdotally you already probably have 90% of info relevant to any decision you have to make.
In your brain.
Ask: Is the additional 10% of information we may be missing worth waiting for?
Or are you using that "need more data" as an excuse to offset what you know you need to do?
At some point though, a decision has to be made.
Why wait?
What are you waiting for?
More info or have you got everything you are sensibly going to get?
Could you realistically make that call NOW?
Grab a SINGLE piece of paper and write each option and consider the potential benefits and drawbacks.
This will help determine which option is the best fit for your situation. The reason I say just one piece of paper is it gives you no wriggle room from the call you ultimately have to make.
You now have a better understanding of your problem, a list of possible solutions or course of action.
Assess the potential risks associated with each option.
This will help you make a more informed decision and reduce the likelihood of negative consequences.
What I will say is this. If you can live with the downside of a decision… you should probably go for it.
Trust Your Instinct.
If a decision feels right, it's often because it is, and aligns with your values and priorities.
If new info becomes available or circumstances change, Change. Adapt. Flexibility is key to successful decision making.
Don't let indecision hold you back. Making a decision, even if not perfect, is often better than not making one at all.
Maybe the greatest difference I have is I’m conscious of each of my 30k and trained my brain Special Forces style to evaluate rapidly & make better decisions. Faster.
Over the years I’ve been in business I’ve sussed something…
There is ZERO correlation that the more time spent coming to a decision increases it’s chance of success.
I can help you or your team become more decisive, assertive, conscious leaders, I’m your man.
Let’s talk.
Final thing. Over the years I’ve found some calls are impossible ones, where there are no winners, no good outcomes.
You can’t delegate responsibility. At some point these decisions still have to be your decisions.
Good luck.
Let’s talk.