Everyone’s an expert… On modern day socials.
All you got to have to join this Club is decent lighting, a High quality 4K iPhone image 📱 your bewbs (or)abs out, and a slightly amended inspirational quote you lifted from a post with high likes…
Welcome to the pretty economy.
70 year old Keith with a beard (the real authority and expert on a subject) just doesn’t cut through in todays social media shopfront world.
Perhaps if he shaved the beard, wore a bikini, and had a sleeve tattoo and was 50 years younger oh, and used more #hashtags filmed himself dancing to “my money don’t jiggle jiggle, it folds” whilst pointing at the answers to questions, his experience and expertise may well better valued and taken more seriously.
I got a mate of mine with a £10m+ business sub 200 followers on Twitter. Because he doesn’t know how to play or give a shit about that game.
Everyone could learn so much from him, but people just don’t as they would prefer to listen to some charismatic kid on a sponsored ad getting out of a rented Lambo walking and talking with a SnapBack on Yo!, telling you, how too can earn 100k a month selling coaching packages.
Judgments on expertise are now being made on follower counts and verified blue ticks. (I have two outta 3 😉)
Sadly and I mean this, experience just isn’t enough anymore, you now also have to be an “entertainer”.
It’s a strange old world of “business” we live in, welcome to the Pretty economy.
As a society, and business community, every day the algos serve up and we follow this model, we are saying being short term entertained is more valuable than longterm educated.
The impact that this will have on all our lives… and business is clear, as genuinely talented experts are withdrawing from the scene as they are just not being seen, not being heard.
And in doing so, we’re getting someone who on a blind test wouldn’t rank, becoming the authority and voice of a niche.
BRB I just gonna switch my neon logo light on, film myself saying an inspirational quote and then jump on a box of cheese-graters.
Go on, tell me I’m wrong... or tell me I’m right.
I’d love to hear your view.
#Braddism #MotivationalSpeaker #Influencer heh.
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