January 1, 2021

to make your 2021 a whole lot better!

Every single decision you have ever made in your life… yes your life has brought you to this blog today.

Truth I’ve spent hours of my life writing it and collating it, why? My mission, is to make a positive difference. What’s your mission?

The following list is intended to stimulate your mind, thinking and to help kick out any malaise, apathy, sadness that may have took hold in what really was a massively testing and challenging 2020.

You wanna get the best from this, go grab a blank piece of paper and a pen or two, read and go through this, and write down the numbers that really pop and speak to you. Then keep going over and over, until you whittle them down to just 21. At which point, copy and paste them onto a word document and print and keep in eye line if your desk.

I swear this will keep you fired up, focussed and going in 2021. Maybe you also post your 21 on own timeline with a link to this blog. There is of course a lesson within this exercise also, life, success is as much about what you choose not to take on as much as what you do.

Make the rest of your life… Your life.

1. You have what it takes. 2. Stop spending your life trying to appeal to everyone. 3. STOP. You’ll tie yourself up in knots. Just be you. Always. 4. Own your stardom. Be your own management team. Be you. 5. Use any hardship to make you stronger. 6. Show your vulnerability. 7 . Don’t make life way more complicated than it actually is. 8. Being a better version of yourself will take some work. 9. Sausage fingers + iPhone + autocorrect = LOL. 10. Build up your own reputation. Rely on self. 11. When the goal seems too big, break it down into manageable steps. 12. You can do or say what you want, just make sure you can back it up. 13. Being left feeling frustrated, irritated, or resentful eats away at your mental and physical health. 14. Doing the right thing doesn’t always make you feel good. 15. If you don’t know where you are heading, slow down. Why rush? 16. When you feel shit. Don’t fight it. Feel shit. 17. Be kind to yourself. You are human. 18. Never make your goal money. Make your goal the things you want to do with the money. 19. Don't you even try to negatively predict or run down the future. Because you have no fucking idea. 20. You can. You will get through this. 21. We are all making it up as we go along. Even me. 22. Do what you are good at, not what you're bad at. 23 . No one is going to support you, unless you support yourself first. 24. Hold your ground. Help is on the way. 25. Be the right kind of crazy. 26 . Style it out, then work it out. 27. Live every day to the fullest, knowing that one day it will be your last. 28. Turn up the volume on your positive self-talk, and turn down the volume on negativity. 29 . Stop telling yourself you can’t win. 30. It ain't "saving money" if it's costing you. 31. Being “Professional” means nothing if you ain’t getting paid. 32. Get yourself an education. 33. Think back to when it became real for you. 34. TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!!! Not really. Sounds all very dramatic and 'inspirational' though. Just take PASSIVE action and continue to do so. 35. Marketing are the things you do to make things easier to sell. 36. You have to have an almost misguided self belief that you’re the man, before you can be the man. 37. You won’t remember how much you saved but you will remember what a shit job is. 38. Wasting money is part of life. It's the only way you can learn how not to waste money. 39. I remember when you used to have to wear a wig and false nose and glasses to shop in Aldi. You can’t find a space in the carpark for all the Range Rovers now. Things change. 40. To build a big reputation, you have to start with a small one. 41. The best year of your life? What specifically happened that year, that makes you think back so fondly? 42 . Clever advertising doesn’t always mean lots of sales. 43. Without sales, a business fails. Facebook Likes don’t pay the mortgage. LOL. 44. Doing the right thing may take some personal sacrifice. 45. Personal relationships and favours will only take you so far. 46. Give opportunity not money. 47. Two year olds make you look like a terrible parent to people who have never had two year olds. 48. What would people say about you when you’re not around? 49. Don’t be ‘that’ person. 50. How many motivational speakers does it take to change a lightbulb? One but the lightbulb has got to want to change. 51 . Any success has to come from you. 52. Life is too short to put up with knob heads 53 . What goes on tour, goes on Facebook? 54. RETIREMENT – LIFE’S BIGGEST CON 55. Banana skins; even if you can see them, sometimes you have to let friends slip on them. 56. When the finest things in life become normal, you just lost the magic. 57. If you are not prepared to invest in your brand, don't get upset when others don't want to invest in your brand either. 58. Luck is not a strategy that you can always rely on. 59. Everything intensifies as the clock ticks down. Give yourself deadlines. 60. Having an "addictive personality" isn't an excuse to be a dick. 61. If you have ever been referred to as a “Bit of a character” you just been politely called a dick. 62. Haters, their dream is to ruin yours. 63. You could be Tupac back from the grave and get booed by a Metallica audience. 64. It's all good. It'll work out. Ultimately, it always does. Relax. 65. I hate legal documents. 66. Everyone has doubts about who they are. 67. Any little fuck up is magnified when you are under pressure, so get yourself some distance from things when it is beginning to feel like this. 68. Fuck the script that says you have to "work on the tools all your life" 69. Don't read the "you have to stay in shitty relationships" memo. 70. Too much money makes you lazy and stupid. 71. You’ll run a whole lot faster if a police officer is chasing you. 72. You can easily live on less money than you think. 73. The crutches we each use to "help us get by” will become the very things that hinder us and slow us down if you keep using them. 74. Is your goal really YOUR goal? 75 . People will find 10 steps when 5 would do. Well, those people that use long copy and words like MASTERY and SUCCESS SYSTEMS written in CAPITALS to flog you some bullshit course you don't actually need. 76. You always want to be at the place you’re not. Its messed up. 77. Stop being such an adult. Get playful in your life. Again. 78. Cheap iPhone leads are the world’s most expensive string. 79. What can you do today with what you already have? 80 . You never know how ground-breaking some decisions were until they are in your rear-view mirror. 81. Trust is probably the best marketing tool you have. 82 . Move your plan, from short to medium & long term. 83. Don’t get it perfect, just get it going. 84. Dreading Monday? Weekends going too fast? You're in the wrong job/business. Change it. 85. You have one life. Don’t waste it travelling somewhere you don't want to go. 86. Enjoy the good fight, enjoy the struggle. Honestly. You’ll miss them one day. Honestly. 87. Invest 100% of your time being 100% you. 88. Just go do it. By the time you wait for permission, someone else will have done it. 89. Pick a problem and 'talk to yourself' to come to an answer. 90. Others will have a different opinion to you. That's ok, you can still be friends. *Unless they say StarTrek is better than StarWars. 91. In order for things to change, things need to change. 92. Remember, YOU are the boss. Success or failure, that’s down to you. 93. Sometimes you have no option other than to give up on people, but never give up on yourself. 94. Often, the only difference between success and failure, isn’t quitting. 95. Beat them by being better. Silence them by not quitting. 96. Be the best you can be. 97. Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different life, make different choices. 98. Be careful of the things YOU take for granted. 99. Never trust a fat motivational speaker 100. At some point you got to go either 100% in, or 100% out. 101. You can’t save everyone. I’ve tried. 102. Don't try to drink your way out of it, think your way out of it. 103. You can’t outperform your self-image. 104. If you’re a charmer, you’re gonna get snakes. 105. A problem gets larger every day you ignore it 106. Play chess. Not hungry hippos. 107. Someone WILL tell you it can’t be done. 108. Help many. Hurt few. Live life. 109. Don’t tell people you are funny, make them laugh. 110. The board has been wiped. The playing field levelled. Previous high scores zero’d. This is your year. GO. 111. When shit is hitting the fan, ask what does this make possible?” 112. That car, house, watch, handbag, shoes you really really want, won’t have the same appeal when you can afford it. 113. The more money you have the less valuable £1 is. 114. The less time you have the more valuable a minute is. Ps: You’re now 10 mins closer to death since reading this. 115. The great thing about self employment is you get to choose which 16 hours a day you work. 116. Whatever you want to do with YOUR life. Do it. Now. Today. This year. 117 . Having a job is like having a business with just one client. How stupid is that? 118 . Have the courage to be disliked. 119. Panicking won’t help. 120. I trust this email finds you w... *deletes* 121. Why the fuck have you got Kindest Regards, on your email signature? Why? 122. Happy is generally the missing piece. 123. You will find a way. Honestly you will. You always have. 124. Do you just want a whinge or do you actually want a way through? 125 . You have the answer. Before you get to that, what's the question? 126 . My designer suit fits me perfectly. It’d look like shit on you. One size doesn’t fit all. Regardless of that dickhead long copy you’re reading for the SALES SUCCESS SYSTEM MASTERY SUMMIT in 2021 127. Turn off notifications. Honestly the messages are still there to read at a more suitable time than now... and now and now. You get the point. 128 . You are getting back something you thought you’d lost. How magical. 129. What’s the meaning of life? Love is the answer 130 . At some point, you will be on the receiving end of some kind of shit for just running a business, just being you. 131. The only way you can be loved by everyone is by not being a leader... and actually you’ll then have someone call you out for being a sheep. 132. Being disliked or copping for shit by a section of your audience is all part of leadership. 133. It comes FREE in a side pocket of your success suitcase. You'll never quieten your critics, by asking them to be quiet, arguing or pleading but you will drown out their chirping by being the success they work so hard to derail. 134. You can’t delegate responsibility 135. I reckon haters are people who have all the answers but annoyed with themselves at having none of the talent. 136. We consider where we spend our money... consider where you spend your time. 137 . My life will be good when... when? 138. Sometimes in life, you’ll be due an apology that you never will receive. 139. Do take the time out to talk; dog jackets, Paul 'o' Grady with your Mum, Dad, Nan 140. By all means, check it out with your doctor, but it's probably not a thyroid problem. It's more likely bacon retention. 141 . If you can be bought, you can be sold. 142. Less fat = more cakes. Gods cruel trick. 143 . EVERYONE likes cake. No one really likes being fatter than they have to be. 144. EVERYONE loves the NHS nobody wants to pay more tax. (Actually. I do.) 145. Watch out for Squirrels. Those distractions that pop up out of nowhere and have you instantly changing your direction. Changing your path. 146. Reclaim spontaneity, go do something benignly crazy. 147. Start saying yes again. YES. Book the holiday. YES. Light the candle. Yes BUY the Lurpak. Life is too short for cheap own brand spreads. 148. Brexit. it’s done. Don't waste any more of your life trying to relight fireworks. 149. Don’t waste your life punching cobwebs 150. ”I only saw them last week” I’ve lost 3 friends, I say lost. I mean they've died in the last year. They didn't know this was their last year. None of us do. 151. Eating a salad once doesn’t make you healthy. 152. What did you do with your life? 153. If you can’t find happy, you will find fun. Which is all fun and games till it stops becoming all fun and games. 154. Don’t get hooked on the fight. 155. Two rooms full of people, one with POSITIVE, the other with NEGATIVE. Which room would you go in? Then why the fuck are negative people in your life? 156. Everyone feels a fraud, until the day you stop feeling a fraud. * 157. Life is too short, and it just gets shorter. 158 . If you had a digital clock on your forehead, counting down the time you had left in this world, would you spend your time differently? 159 . Be as obsessed with what you spend your time on, as you are with what you spend your money on. 160. I know 100's wealthier than me, I don't know a single person as genuinely happy and content. What’s your barometer of success? 161. Going to the gym once doesn’t make you fit. 162. Smile more. So simple. So powerful. 163. Be prepared to walk away, then you are good to talk. 164 . It's always the last key on the bunch you try that opens the lock. 165. Don’t mistake talking shit on Clubhouse as work. 166. Leadership is about making decisions that not everyone will agree with. 167 . No pain. Pain. No gain. The pain point isn’t paying £1000 for a gym membership, and posting a New year, new me meme on insta, its going 4 times a week when no one is watching. 168. Be the person your dog thinks you are. 169 . Instagram filters don't fix lives. 170. Just because you got a Linked in LIVE button, doesn't mean you should be pressing it every fucking 5 minutes. 171. A mistake is only a mistake after the decision. Up until that point it’s the correct decision. No one including me wakes up and says you know what I think I’m gonna go fuck up today. 172. The key is fighting like your back is against the wall well before it is. 173 . Figure out what’s between you and victory. 174. The best marketing strategy for your business. Do what you say you can. 175. You can buy all the best running kit. But if you ain’t going running... Someone without all the best kit, who does, wins. 176. Clout chasers, lower rung operators who try bounce you into a public tear up. So that your audience knows about them. I’ve a strategy which has a 100% success rate, of not engaging. Not giving oxygen. Try it. 177. Have you ever changed your position on an argument on Facebook? Me neither. How does arguing with bellends on the internet move you, your life, business, career, family forward? 178 . You are a villain in someone else's hero story. 179. Keep pretending you know what you’re doing. It's working. 180 . 92% of people don’t do what they say they going to do. Be part of the 8%. Or stop fucking talking. 181. Find a way or stop fucking talking about it. See a pattern? 182. Make that decision in 24seconds... 24minutes... or 24hours. If you can't make it within this time, you've just made it. #24s24m24h 183 . Pizza or Abs? You can’t go left and right at the same time. That’s why we end up frustrated and stuck. 184. Dust always settles. Facebook drama always falls away. 185 . Think. Think. Think. How do I get through this? 186. Don't get blown off your mission by those not on your mission. 187. Show me a single hater doing better than me? I’ll wait. Straight up, I’ll tell you this, people who are genuinely happy and content don’t waste time running others down. 188. I meet so many rich business owners who are broke at the same time. mentally. 189. Things change. 190 . A 3 piece suit, pocket watch and 5 series BMW doesn’t make you professional. Buying something for 50p and selling for £1 does. 191 . LG:FU Looks good fucked up. Social media is full of them. 192 . Let's be honest. At some point you’re gonna use the wrong you’re on a post and get called out about it. 193. Some people are never happier than when they’ve just missed a bus. 194. You’re gonna get over it at some point. Why wait? 195. People do love FREE, they don’t however respect it. 196. Job security is a fucking myth. If you don’t cover your wages you got no job. 197 . People will shit on your success to justify their own failings. 198. Social media, a game of who can fill a colander full of water fastest to win valueless internet points. 199. Run a race you can win and probably more importantly you actually want to win. 200 . “Working capital” oh. You mean money. Stop making business more convoluted and complicated than it need be. 201. Saying you’re authentic doesn’t make you authentic. Nor posting a photo of your lanyard from your overpriced AUTHENTIC MASTERY SUMMIT in Las Vegas. You just got blagged. by yourself. 202. I got an investment tip for you. Invest in yourself. 203 . Piece of piss making money on spreadsheets. BEWARE the spreadsheet millionaire SALES SYSTEMS SUMITTS 204 . We’re all winging it. Including me. 205. Pricing. Nobody has a fucking clue. £1 less than what someone is willing to pay. 206 . Start dreaming. Again. 207. Experience is what you win, when you lose. 208 . An expert is someone who has made all the mistakes in a niche field. 209. Make decisions. Make mistakes. A mistake is a down payment on avoiding future daft decisions. 210. When I was 16 I got ripped off for £300. My Dad said it could be worse… I said how? He said it could have been £301 211. Who made you the expert Brad? I did. 212. A logo is a logo, not a business. 213 . You’ll never be the market leader, copying the market leader. 214. Fix it. Or fuck it off. 215 . If you can live with the downside of any decision. You should go for it. 216. The first person you need to convince of your brilliance. Is you. 217. Stop fucking whining. Start fucking winning. 218 . The only way you’re going to avoid making enemies & people that don’t like you is by not making a success of your life. Which do you want more? 219. Ask yourself this, would your approach work on you? If the answer is no, why the fuck you expect it to work on others? 220. The longer you run, the weaker you become. Stand and fight now, win or lose you at your strongest. 221. Don’t lose any todays worrying about tomorrow.

Change your life today. Think about it. Every single decision you have ever made in your life… yes your life has brought you to this blog today. Truth I’ve spent hours of my life writing it and collating it, why? My mission, is to make a positive difference. What’s your mission? You wanna get the best from this, grab a blank piece of paper, read and go through this, and write down the numbers that really pop and speak to you. Then keep going over and over aim to whittle them down to just 21. At which point, copy and paste them on to a word document and print and keep in eye line if your desk. I swear this will keep you fired up, focussed and going in 2021. There is a lesson within this exercise also, life, success is as much about what you choose not to take on as much as what you do.

Epic AF list.

You know the above list will actively change your decisions, and In doing so your future. Your new year, new life starts today. Think about it. You survived 2020, you are stronger for it, 2021 is going to be a piece of piss.

Please stay hopeful, positive and optimistic. The truth is, that alone won’t solve everything. But it’ll help.

Thanks for reading. Have a good one.

Cheers, Brad - The UK's #1 Motivational Business Speaker.

Ps: If you’ve enjoyed this exercise or if I’ve ever helped you out, inspired or supported you in some way if you could give this a SHARE or tag any friends who need to read this today, I’d appreciate it as much as they would.

PPs: I’m also gonna give the first 21 peeps who got fired up by this and want mentoring by me, a FREE month to my private mentoring group where you’ll join me and over 200 others people in having me in your corner and get daily Braddings a bit like this. All you got to do is email SUBJ: I want Bradding up in 2021!

Let’s make 2021 the best ever. Together.


By SPEEK.CO.UK March 14, 2024
Learn the practical steps and expertise needed to become a motivational speaker in the UK. Expert advice on building your career in motivational speaking.
By Brad Burton November 30, 2023
By Brad Burton November 23, 2023
In the past 40 years, despite tech advances we haven’t upgraded our RAM speed. Memory. Our lives have transformed dramatically, with devices & screens… As a kid, we had no tech. The “wireless” radio, as my Gran called it a throwback from WW2. Tech wasn’t central to our lives or homes, people used to do things like talk to each other, draw, sing, dance without pointing at invisible answers. We had a telly, but 3 channels, 10h of generic “Blue Peter type British” programming. Now, our homes are tech hubs, wanting our attention. This influx of tech has bombarded us with too much info, turning our brains into overwhelmed processors. Our identity as people, is no longer our identity. It’s this mishmash of input, cultures, extremes, everyone’s a youtuber, podcaster, TV show, doing what they can to get our attention, you also have to keep up with music, fashion, brands, food… you get the point, unlike computers our mental capacity hasn’t evolved. This post and nice photo. Stopped you. Case in point. This overstimulation is like having too many windows open, or progs on a computer with limited (Memory) RAM, leading to a slowdown. We’re depleted before we get around to just being us. I’m working with biz owners of ALL size who come to me with a business problem. And more often than not the business problem, is them. They are OVERLOADED… working harder and harder, to get both demoralising & diminishing returns, walking wounded they start on a downward spiral of apathy “the stress is now impacting my marriage, i’m eating and drinking more. I’m just not happy.” They find themselves wanting to get away from the pressure, by scrolling at night.. disrupting sleep, and then too tired to find a way to stop, as they coffee themselves into their work more exhausted than the day before… It’s a cycle fuelled by the endless influx of pointless stimuli without the mental capacity to ever process it efficiently. If a computer slows down with a specific program, we stop running that program. I’m on to something here, this is a modern dilemma, too much input, not enough processing power. This overload now affects our choices, from disrupted sleep to reliance on coffee (i’m 5 a day still, so let’s not pretend i some saint. I’m not) and sustained and unhealthy eating which gets us into a cycle of being unhappy with our weight, and how we feel. It’s like we have become a hive mind. unable or willing to think for ourselves. We make short term choices based on what others do, not what’s necessarily what’s good for us medium/long term. Choose life. Your own one. If you are serious about wanting to fix your business problems. Maybe you start with fixing your problems first. You can’t increase your RAM speed. I’ve tried, and if you are giving it a go right now. You’re probably on the path to burnout. You need less input, to improve output. That. Is how you get out of the situation you currently find yourself in.
By Brad Burton November 16, 2023
(& a wife Kerry Burton ) 
By Brad Burton November 9, 2023
In these moments of collective adversity, such as the deflated atmosphere of defeat during the pandemic, the role of a motivational speaker goes beyond the stage. It becomes a mission to help rekindle the extinguished flames of hope and belief. Think about it, in an audience of 100’s everyone is going to be dealing with something or other mindset. life. business. As a speaker, the responsibility weighs heavily, to give just enough energy to uplift and not overwhelm or shut down someone down. It’s about reading the room, do these audience members know each other? What’s going on under the surface… understanding the delicate balance between inspiration and pressure to push an audience to make change. To influence positively and genuinely, to instil belief where doubt has taken root, is the art and the duty of a motivational speaker. I genuinely don’t know if anyone in the game takes it as seriously and looks as deeply as i do on my role. The impact of motivational speaking is not in the duration of the speech but in the message landing. The right words at the right moment can be the key to unlock the potential that lies dormant within someone. This isn’t just about jolting a short term shift in mood, it’s about doing something that causes a shift in longterm thinking, some kind of lasting change. I’m a motivational speaker but i’m also a motivational listener and reader. Of the room, my job is to empathise, connect in a room full of strangers. I now know that life changing can occur in an instant, with a message so sharp it bypasses the barriers that have been put up by individuals to “protect” themselves. And we start the process of unshackling. To give those sat in an audience the courage, the strength, to make change and start on the steps they need to, to get out of any mental maze they not so suddenly find themselves in. I know this because people approach me after a session, and bravely share their decisions to embrace change or release pain, it reaffirms my purpose. When i first started down this road, i thought shouting woooooo was “motivational”, i still of course do this. As you’d expect a motivational speaker to do. I am not sure you’d expect one to genuinely care about making a lasting and positive difference to a mindset, life or business. hashtag#NamasteAF 🦁 ✨
By Brad Burton November 2, 2023
By Brad Burton October 26, 2023
He was firing back to someone in an online back and forth spat with some random.
By Brad Burton October 25, 2023
Changing into a new outfit can instantly elevate confidence, reshape your demeanor and make us feel better. Changing into a more powerful mindset can revolutionise our entire being. The clothes we wear on the exterior absolutely impacts us, but our mindset the interior impacts even more. Mindset is the core of who we are. How we act. What we do. When we CONSCIOUSLY recalibrate our mindset, it's not just about altering our reactions or feelings it's about changing our very essence into something better. Something smarter. Something more appropriate. More powerful. And this is important more in control of all areas of your world. So, if you do really want to change your life… Your starting point, is changing your mindset. Start right now. Why wait? #NamasteAF 🦁✨ #BreakTheInternet
By Brad Burton October 11, 2023
I’ve spent the last 2 years avoiding the news… Our minds are conditioned to seek clarity, to dissect things, experiences down to digestible bits of understanding. Yet, as we navigate life and even business we will on occasion encounter unprocessable situations that defy logic, evading the grasp of rational thought. When we attempt to process the mentally unprocessable, it’s like chasing the horizon, an endless quest that leaves us drained and no closer to an understanding. It’s futile, a discombobulating mind virus that the only thing it achieves is weakening all areas of your own power, own life, own humanity and it gets worse as it gets you no further to an answer. Confusion, unease kicks up a whole heap of more unprocessable questions to your initial unanswered one, just more questions, even more mental unrest. It weakens you. Over the years, I found myself in my own personal situations of chasing of horizons. The only way to get through these things is by never starting on a cerebral journey that you can never finish. Impact what you can. Ignore what you can’t. There lies profound wisdom that eluded me earlier in my life, in acknowledging the boundaries of our impact and comprehension. Nobody “wins” wars. Everyone loses. If you do want to make a positive difference today. Make the positive difference to your life. It doesn’t mean you don’t care, it means you can’t impact, you can’t influence. Being part of the solution, is by taking yourself out of the problem. Being outraged and amplifying any darkness that we see on social media doesn’t fix this. I wish I had answers. I don’t. Only unprocessable questions. My advice… Hug your children. Phone a friend. Hold the hand of your partner. Tell someone you love them. Namaste 💓
By Brad Burton October 5, 2023
Clutching our iPhones right now can picture a day when we’d switch away from using Apple devices??
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